Cybersecurity 2.0: AI-Based Security Strategies insights and review

Marcin Stasko
16 min readOct 24, 2023
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Introduction to AI in Cybersecurity

Article goal: Sharing novel insights on how AI can be helpful in the cybersecurity area. Based on my experience and research I want to share some insights. If something needs to be extended just let me know :)

In today’s world, where everything is connected digitally, keeping our information safe from cyber threats is a big challenge. That’s where AI comes in. AI is like a smart assistant that helps make our online world more secure. It uses advanced technologies to quickly analyze a lot of information and find any unusual patterns or signs of danger.
This helps us not only defend against cyber attacks but also predict and stop them before they can cause harm.

AI’s main job in cybersecurity is to look for problems by learning from past data. It’s like having a super-smart detective that can spot new and evolving threats. This is a big shift from the old way of doing things, where we would mainly react to problems after they happened.
With AI, we can be more proactive, staying ahead of cyber bad guys. It also helps by taking care of routine tasks automatically, allowing human experts to focus on more important and strategic aspects of keeping things safe.



Marcin Stasko

Let`s connect together. Digital transformation Manager (AI & Analytics), at LG Energy Solution, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. ITIL Strategic Leader